
Diagnostic Parasitology

  • March 21, 2017 16:17

We are seeking candidates for a two-year post-doctoral fellowship to work at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (, State University of São Paulo (, in Araçatuba, SP, Brazil, in cooperation with the Laboratory of Image Data Science (, Institute of Computing (, University of Campinas - UNICAMP (, Campinas, SP, Brazil.


This fellowship is part of a thematic project, entitled “AnImaLS – Annotation of Images in Large Scale: what can machines and specialists learn from interaction?”, with collaborators from the University of Campinas (Brazil), University of São Paulo (Brazil), State University of São Paulo (Brazil), University of Pennsylvania (EUA), West Virginia University (EUA), University of Groningen (Netherlands), and Jadavpur University (India). The goals of the project are the understanding and improvement of the machine learning process through human interaction, for the construction of explainable decision making and decision support systems based on image annotation. Given that the fellowship is part of a thematic project funded by FAPESP – the State of São Paulo Research Foundation, it can be renewed up to 48 months.


This fellow position requires research, development, and validation of parasitological techniques that are suitable to the automated diagnosis of gastrintestinal parasites in bovines. Our diagnosis system is based on automated image acquisition and analysis, but it requires microscopy slides rich in parasites and as free as possible of fecal impurities. This imposes a challenge to the development of new parasitological techniques. The fellow will work in collaboration with graduate students in Computer Science, whose works involve image processing and analysis of parasites.

It is desirable that the candidate demonstrates knowledge domain in Diagnostic Parasitology.


The post-doctoral fellowship includes a monthly stipend of R$ 6.819,30 (about US$ 2,150 and EU$ 2,000), access to the health-care system of UNESP, and research contingency funds of 15% of the annual value of the fellowship. Please verify the details in


Interested candidates should email

  • motivation letter for the application,

  • recommendation letter from a previous supervisor,

  • curriculum vitae with the list of publications, education and experience, and

  • copy of diplomas/degree certificate(s)


to Alexandre Xavier Falcão – afalcao at ic dot unicamp dot br


Deadline for applications is May, 15th 2017