
First Meeting on Public Health and Parasitology

  • December 05, 2017 17:12

A historical event on Human and Animal Parasitology in the context of Public Health was held at the São Paulo State University (UNESP), School of Veterinary Medicine, Araçatuba, with the presence of 120 participants on November 08, 09 and 10, 2017.

Ph.D. Jancarlo Gomes from Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM) and Laboratory of Image Data Science (LIDS) of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Ph.D. Katia Bresciani from São Paulo State University (UNESP) and Ms. Milenne Dias from the Epidemiological Surveillance Group XI, were the coordinators of this remarkable meeting for the Northwest region of São Paulo State (SP).

First Meeting on Public Health and Parasitology opening Ceremony.
Event opening ceremony/From left to right - Profs. Jancarlo Gomes and Katia Bresciani and Mayor of the city of Araçatuba, SP, Mr. Dilador Borges.


For the opening ceremony were especially invited Mr. Dilador Borges, Mayor of the city of Araçatuba, SP, and Silvio César Santos Orfão, Coordinator of Regional Department of Health (DRS II); as well as Ms. Carmem Sílvia Guariente, Secretary of the Department of Health of this Municipality and Vice-President of the Council of Municipal Secretaries of Health of the State of São Paulo (COSEMS/ SP). Moreover, Ms. Lucelena Montero Ramos, Ms. Clelia Moreira Martinelli and Ms. Teresa Marilene Bronharo represented respectively: Epidemiolocal Surveillance; Superintendence of Control of Endemic Diseases and Adolfo Lutz Institute (IAL/SP).


On November 9th, a lecture by Ph.D. Jancarlo Gomes was presented to the participants, entitled: "Viabilization, Development and Validation of New Concentration Paradigms and Intestinal Parasitic Identification". After that, all the attendants had the opportunity to watch a demonstration of the Automated Diagnosis of Intestinal Parasites (ADIP, in portuguese DAPI) system, guided by him and Mr. Celso Suzuki (M.Sc. in Computer Science, UNICAMP).



The abstracts were submitted to the Scientific Committee of the Meeting. They were sent without the respective authors' affiliations to two external reviewers. From this evaluation, it was possible to obtain classification and results for the awards. The posters were exposed since the first day until the end of the event.



First Place - LABORATORY VALIDATION OF THE TF-TEST QUANTIFIED TECHNIQUE FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF SCHISTOSOMIASIS MANSONI - Authors: Bianca Martins dos Santos, Felipe Augusto Soares, Stefany Laryssa Rosa, Celso Tetsuo Nagase Suzuki, Kátia Denise Saraiva Bresciani, Alexandre Xavier Falcão, Jancarlo Ferreira Gomes.

Second Place - MOLECULAR DIFFERENTIATION OF LEISHMANIA SPECIES: PRELIMINARY RESULTS - Authors: Beatriz Batista Trigo, Silvana de Cássia Paulan, Fernanda Muller de Oliveira, Dominiki Kanae Kohatsu Kubota, Pier Kenji Rauschkolb KatsudaIto, Cáris Maroni Nunes.

Third Place - GENOTYPED FROM FECAL SAMPLES OF COMPETITION CARRIER PIGEONS (COLUMBA LIVIA) - Elis Domingos Ferrari, Bruno César Miranda Oliveira, Mariele Fernanda da Cruz Panegossi, Alex Akira Nakamura, Walter Bertequini Nagata, Marcelo Vasconcelos Meireles, Jancarlo Ferreira Gomes, Giovanni Widmer, Katia Denise Saraiva Bresciani.