
Workshop on the Implementation of DAPI System for Automated Diagnosis of Intestinal Parasites

The University of Campinas (Unicamp), represented by the Institute of Computing and the School of Medical Sciences, organized a comprehensive Theoretical-Practical Course titled "Automated Diagnosis of Intestinal Parasites" on April 1st and 2nd. Hosted at the Institute of Computing. This workshop aimed at equipping approximately 20 professionals from the Medical and Public Health sectors in Manaus, Amazonas, with the necessary...

  • May 06, 2024 22:28
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IC LIDS receives INOVA Inventors Award

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Two applied researches by Professors Alexandre Falcão and Jancarlo Gomes were awarded for the year 2022 in the Licensed Intellectual Property category of the Inventors Award by INOVA (Unicamp Innovation Agency). These researches are of an interdisciplinary nature and were carried out at the Laboratory of Image Data Science (LIDS) of the Institute of Computing (IC), with the collaboration of...

  • June 28, 2022 19:06
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DAPI is presented to the International Medical Community

Medium medlab2020

ImmunoCamp Science and Technology, a company incubated by the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), and its sister company BioBrasil Science and Technology, have presented to the international medical community the first industrial version of the Automated Diagnosis of Intestinal Parasites (ADIP, acronym in portuguese DAPI) (Figure 1). This automated diagnosis system is the result of an agreement with the UNICAMP Development Foundation...

  • February 10, 2020 19:28
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FAPESP Week France 2019

Medium fapesp france

Machines can be trained to classify images and then identify tumors in tomography, compositions in rocks or pathologies in optical microscope analysis. This area of artificial intelligence is known as machine learning and has been gaining new applications in recent years. The training of the machine is done through the repetition of images used as examples of a particular context...

  • November 26, 2019 15:40
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Lids Coordinators Receive Award from Inova UNICAMP

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On June 27, 2019, the professors and coordinators of the Laboratory of Image Data Science (LIDS), Alexandre Falcão and Jancarlo Gomes, received the award for inventors in an event of the Inova UNICAMP (University of Campinas). This award is a pioneering initiative that began in 2004, the year of the founding of Inova, to honor the inventors of UNICAMP. This award was in the granted patent...

  • July 12, 2019 14:16
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Director's Tenure

In March 29/2019, professors Anderson de Rezende Rocha and Leandro Aparecido Villas took office as Director and Associated Director of the Institute of Computing (IC) at UNICAMP, respectively. Professor Anderson Rocha replaced Professor Rodolfo Jardem de Azevedo, current president of the Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo (UNIVESP). This tenure cerimony, chaired by UNICAMP's dean, professor Marcelo Knobel, took...

  • April 18, 2019 20:45
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LIDS participation at IAPR

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In April/2019, Paris held the 21st International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (IAPR). Prof. Alexandre Xavier Falcão talked about the role of optimum connectivity on image segmentation and how the algorithm can learn object information during the segmentation process. website:

  • April 18, 2019 18:32
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Students from LIDS represented Brazil at the International Society for Optics and Photonics, SPIE Medical Imaging. At San Diego, USA

Medium spie slider

LIDS was represented at the SPIE Medical Imaging 2019 at San Diego, USA. It is one of the most traditional and important conference of the area leading researchers in image processing, computer-aided diagnosis, machine learning, among others. The Ph.D. student Azael Sousa presented the paper "A computational method to aid the detection and annotation of pleural lesions in CT images...

  • April 17, 2019 17:48
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Students from LIDS represented Brazil at the 23rd Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP. At Madrid, Spain.

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At the end of 2018, students from LIDS presented their works at CIARP, an international conference which was held on Madrid, Spain. The Msc student Felipe Belem presented a work entitled: “Superpixel Segmentation by Object-based Iterative Spanning Forest”, which is an extension of the previously Iterative Spanning Forest (ISF) framework to include object information and present a superpixel segmentation method...

  • January 11, 2019 16:26
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